Dakota Pinnacle® Birch

Betula platyphylla 'Fargo'
35 feet high x 10 feet wide
Zone 3
Sun to Part Shade

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We introduced this at our garden center in 2013 and we were very pleased with our customers’ response to this wonderful and very hardy birch. Developed out of the research program in North Dakota—this is the hardiest Japanese white birch on the market today. It can handle our alkaline soils, winds, and is considered mildly deer resistant—they’ll eat it if given no other choices. It has a columnar habit with a spread of only 10′ at maturity. Dense branching with green leaves makes this an ideal tree for screening and windbreaks. Beautiful smooth white bark and its green leaves turning golden in autumn makes this tree a year round center piece. Consider mixing and matching Dakota Pinnacle with aspen and evergreens to create a mountain scene effect.

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Throughout this site, the following are used as guidelines for watering established plants:

water_drops_icon  These truly xeric plants can live with our 12 inches of natural annual precipitation and only need a winter watering during a multi-year drought, but they will thrive with a monthly watering. Overwatering will kill some of these.
water_drops_iconwater_drops_icon  These plants are adapted to intermittent deep watering with soil drying to a depth of a few inches between waterings. Watering frequency may be every couple of weeks during the active growing season and maybe only one winter watering for optimal care.
water_drops_iconwater_drops_iconwater_drops_icon  These plants need regular watering somewhat like a bluegrass lawn so that they never dry to depth in the root system during the active growing season, and need occasional winter watering to prevent root dessication and resultant plant death.

About sizes of our plants:

Sizes indicated with a # are roughly the equivalent in gallonage; so a #2 is about a 2 gallon pot size; b&b stands for balled and burlapped.