Ginger Wine™ Ninebark
Physocarpus opulifius ‘SMNPOBLR’ PP28695
5 feet high x 5 feet wide
Zone 3
Full Sun to Part Sun

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New foliage starts out as radiant sunny orange migrating to a sparkling burgundy in early summer. Like all ninebarks, this one develops clusters of lovely white flowers in June that age to an attractive red seed head. Will make for a great focal point in the landscape or as an informal screen.
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Categories: Ninebark, Shrubs, What's New for 2021
Tags: ninebark, two drops
Throughout this site, the following are used as guidelines for watering established plants:

About sizes of our plants:
Sizes indicated with a # are roughly the equivalent in gallonage; so a #2 is about a 2 gallon pot size; b&b stands for balled and burlapped.