Kentucky Coffee Tree
Gymnocladus diocus
60 feet high x 40 feet wide
Zone 3
Full Sun

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Kentucky Coffee Tree is absolutely a gorgeous tree throughout all seasons! It is late to break dormancy in spring, which is a good thing given our unpredictable spring weather. Once the leaves do emerge they form bipinnately compound leaves (many small leaflets attached) that grow upwards of 3’ long and 2’ wide. Once the leaves shed in autumn, the rugged bark of the tree is exposed adding a wonderful winter accent.
Consider using the Kentucky Coffee Tree as a boulevard tree or sitting on the south side of your home providing relief from the summer sun while letting the winter sun shine thru. Although native to the upper Midwest, the Coffee tree performs very well in our western soils. Female trees form large seed pods (we can’t tell you which is male and which is female). Our research and experience suggest that this tree has high immunity to insects and disease. Very good drought tolerance once established.