State Street Maple
Acer miyabei 'Morton'
35-40 feet high x 25-35 feet wide
Rounded shape
Zone 4
Full Sun

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This is an outstanding specimen tree for our area. This tree features crisp dark summer foliage that migrates early in autumn to a buttery yellow to golden. It loses its leaves early—a real plus for our early snows that wreck havoc on trees whose leaves stay on longer. This native of Japan was first planted at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois in the 1920s. It is from this parent tree we offer the State Street Maple. The literature says it prefers well draining, moist, slightly acidic soils, but our growers have put this maple through heavy clay, alkaline soils and drought conditions and as our Colorado grower reported it performed like it was on steroids! Almost as wide as it is tall, this tree makes a great shade or boulevard tree.