The Skeeters Are Coming

What a wacky spring in Wyoming! In March, the word ‘drought’ and unusually warm temperatures were beginning to play in the minds of gardeners. Back then we were about two to three weeks ahead in plant development with those warmer than normal temperatures. Today, after weeks of cold, snow, and rain, plant development is exactly where it should be for the end of May in Wyoming.

Young Tree Care

Webster’s Dictionary defines stupid as slow of mind: obtuse, and given to unintelligent decisions or acts. Well, I am stupid. Who in their right mind would have a garden center filled to the brim with landscape plants in May in Wyoming with snow and cold in the forecast? Or as Forest Gump would say “stupid is as stupid does”. So now that you know I’m stupid, let’s chat about young tree care.

Planting Trees

Some would say, ‘spring is for lovers’, but at my garden center, it could be said ‘spring is for planting trees’, because there sure is a lot of tree planting going on. It’s not every day a gardener plants a tree, so they have to be reminded the step-by-step process in getting the tree into their new home within your landscape. Really it’s no different than quarterback Peyton Manning passing footballs—it’s all in the mechanics. So let’s have a chat about planting trees.

From the Ashes

You’ve heard the quote “from the ashes rises the phoenix”; it’s meant to say that no matter how bad things get there is always a time for rebirth, to celebrate life. It’s a quote that makes sense for me this spring as we deal with death loss associated with cruel winter-like temperatures last November that decimated nearly thirty percent of our landscape plants in a matter of just three days. And as a garden center proprietor I am reminded daily that spring with its rebirth is all around me. Let’s chat about plant death and the prospects of a great spring.

Every gardener I know is outside doing gardening chores. From planting veggies to inspecting what made it through winter to mowing the yard for the first time, it doesn’t matter—gardeners love being outside doing what they love to do, finally. We’ve been busy at my garden center answering gardener’s questions, and boy-howdy do they have a lot of them!

Garden Centers are, of course, a place to go when you are looking to plant anything from veggies to trees—that’s a given. What isn’t so widely known is that garden centers often keep in stock little-known yet highly valuable products for unique problems gardeners from time to time run into. Let’s explore and highlight these products. Gardeners love their flowering crabapple trees this time of year as they swing into flower production. What most gardeners absolutely hate is crabapple production.